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ALCES cold store in Tłokinia Kościelna is a company engaged in providing the highest quality freezing and storage services. We specialize in the area of red meat and poultry, animal fats, ice cream, vegetables and repackaging of goods, in accordance with both customer expectations and legal and food restrictions.

Food Quality and Safety Management System

Our commitment to quality is visible through the implementation and effective operation of the Food Safety Management System, which meets the PN-EN ISO 22000:2018 standards, and we also respond to the guidelines of the BRC GS Storage and Distribution and IFS Logistic standards. Continuous improvement of these systems is aimed at increasing customer trust, expanding sales markets and continuous improvement of organizational processes.

Our commitments to safety and quality

Our priority in our business is to ensure health safety. We operate in accordance with the requirements of food law and the expectations of our customers. We pay special attention to sanitary, hygienic and technological regimes, always ensuring product traceability.

Health safety is monitored through hazard analysis and constant control of critical points - from the moment the goods are received until they are released from our cold store.

We oblige our employees to be fully committed to the implementation of our Quality and Food Safety Policy. We achieve our strategic goals by achieving quality goals and constantly striving to improve processes. We strive to make our company synonymous with the highest quality and reliability in the industry.

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